Zest for Life Layouts - Fresh & fun!

Zest for Life Layouts - Fresh & fun!

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Hello, 2021! A new year means a new monthly challenge for myself. My personal goal is to trim and assemble my page kit and finish the layouts with photos and journaling before each month ends. Thanks to this self-imposed challenge, I completed 174 pages last year. (Along with 197 cards, 90 ATCs and 24 other projects.) Are you ready to see my Zest for Life layouts? I scrapped photos from three separate occasions on this fresh and fun page kit.

Zest for Life Layouts

3 & 4

The first pair features some fun "outtakes" from my son's senior portrait session. My friend Aimee took the photos in our local park. She wanted the river in the background, which required Max to climb over a felled tree and stand on an island of stones in shallow water. As Max crouched for the photos, the wind picked up (along with the current) and surprise: Wet tush!

Zest for Life Page kit - Layouts 3 & 4
#clubscrap #scrapbooking

After scanning the pages for this blog post, I realized I wanted to document the story above. Adding a metallic mini envelope to the left page (with an extra journaling cutapart inside) provides the space to do that.

1 & 2

Next, I used four of the eight pages to scrap photos from our family visit to Disneyland.

Since I lacked photos to fit the 1.75" squares, I stamped the citrus slice in Tangerine hybrid ink onto a scrap of white to fill the space.

5 & 6

This two-page spread continues the story of our visit to the Magic Kingdom and California Adventure.

Zest for Life Page kit - Layouts 5 & 6
#clubscrap #scrapbooking
8 & 7

Finally, here is how Layout 7 & 8 appear in the instructions...

...and my "altered" spread below. Each page was rotated one turn to better accommodate the photos. Switching the left and right pages provides better visual balance and a more pleasing distribution of the Lime Print.

Will you join me in my quest to complete the monthly kits? Once you get the hang of it, trimming and assembly of your kit takes about an hour. Selecting, cropping and adhering complimentary photos adds another hour or two. Surely you can set aside 3 hours a month to get crafty?

Here's to another year of creative inspiration. Happy scrapping!

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