Woven Panel Technique - Use up those scraps!

Woven Panel Technique - Use up those scraps!

Julie Heyer Julie Heyer

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Create a cool card background with the Woven Panel Technique. Do you have lots of paper scraps? Well this technique is made just for you!

An artist I follow on Instagram had turned her amazing gelli print strips into a woven piece of art. I knew that the concept would translate beautifully as a background for a card.

Woven Panel Technique #clubscrap #underthesea #gelliarts

Woven Panel Technique

Trim various printed and plain papers into 1/2" wide strips. I chose papers from the Under the Sea collection along with left over gel prints. (Learn how to create the Dahlia Jumbo Floral Stencil gel prints HERE.)

Place alternating printed strips side-by-side vertically on your work surface. Apply washi tape across the top of the strips to keep them from shifting.

Weave the plain strips horizontally, in alternating colors, until the panel is complete.

Cover one side of a 4x5.25" Aqua panel with adhesive.

Turn the woven strips over, placing them face-down onto the work surface.

Position the Aqua panel over the woven panel and burnish to ensure proper adhesion.

Remove excess paper from around the perimeter of the panel using a Paper Trimmer.

Adhere the background panel to a folded card base.

Under the Sea - Julie's Card

Die cut foliage and a large seahorse (from the Under the Sea Pack of Panels). Stamp the small seahorse image and sentiment onto a smaller panel. Arrange all elements onto the front of the card.

Add sequins for a touch of sparkle.

Fun and Games - Lisa's Cards

Lisa made two variations featuring woven strips and other elements from the Fun and Games collection.

#clubscrap #cards

This card even incorporates a strip of red glitter washi tape!

Woven Panel Technique #clubscrap #funandgames

For a different spin on the idea, Lisa cut the ends of each strip into a banner shape. Fun!

Are you inspired to weave some of these fun backgrounds into your next project? We'd love to see what you make! Join us on the Club Scrap Chat Group on Facebook. Not a member yet? Simply answer a few questions and we'll get your request accepted in no time.

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