Yes, we're moving. Two words in the English language that will strike fear and trepidation into the soul of anyone involved in a move. That said, it needs to be done, and it involves you!
The Big Move
We're not leaving our warehouse in Neenah. We're developing a new website to help bring Club Scrap into the future. Here's why:
• Our existing site is aging and starting to show its wear. Crashes and outages are becoming more common, especially on high traffic spoiler days.
• We want to give you the ability to have more control over your membership.
• Our website currently exists on two separate platforms: one for the blog/resources, and one for the cart. Combining this into one platform will create a more seamless environment to bring us into the future.

Behind the Scenes
We've already been working diligently on this project for several months. And while it always seems "like a good idea at the time," it's created a few challenges for the team.
Most of the job falls on the shoulders of Kristin Erdman, who is expecting beautiful baby #4 any day now! She has been working around the clock with our developer, various applications required for functionality, and their technical support teams. We're so thankful for her smart solutions and brainpower!
Soon, we'll be providing you with the ability to view a few test pages so you can kick the tires with us.
As with any project of this magnitude, we're sure there will be a few hiccups in moving forward, and we ask for your patience while we try to prepare Club Scrap for a bright future.

Will you help?
To move into our new space, we will be asking you to move in, as well! Don't worry. We've already done some of the moving for you. Your purchase history was migrated, and your account still exists. Once the new site is ready, we'll provide a link for you to set up your membership and securely provide your payment information. This only needs to be done once.
Our new subscription module will allow you to view and maintain your membership preferences more readily into the future.
We will be providing you with screen shots, a training video, and support as we work through this process together.

It's amazing how much luggage we've accumulated in nearly 21 years of monthly kits! We're working hard to import all of our instruction documents (special releases, too), making them searchable and easy to find without having to accurately enter cumbersome links. Over time, we will migrate past blog content, as well. Again, we ask for your patience as we work to make our dream of a beautiful new website a reality!

Facts and Feelings
I can readily recall several moves we've had to make in our 21-year past. We've relocated the warehouse four times and went from a single page site to a complex web of thousands of links. I have mixed thoughts about this move, as it sparks excitement for what is to come, and the pain of leaving something comfortable.
In the past, you have rallied with us through countless changes, and I pray we will continue to move forward together. My feelings are summed up in the following quote by Erica Jong: "I have accepted fear as part of life - specifically the fear of change . . . I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back."

No, my friends, we aren't turning back! This wonderful little family of ours is taking a great leap forward.
See you on the other side!