Typeset Bonus Formula - School's in session!

Typeset Bonus Formula - School's in session!

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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Members: Have you downloaded your Typeset Bonus Page Formula yet? If you're not using this super-useful monthly membership benefit, I encourage you to start now!

Not sure where to find it? Check your inbox for your member-exclusive email with important links to the bonus formula, instructions, video tutorials and more. It is sent to active members* on their scheduled shipping day and looks like this:

*An active member is defined as one who paid for and received the current monthly kit.

Typeset Bonus Formula Sketch

The May Bonus Formula creates a well-balanced two-page spread that holds nine (or more) photos. To make the layout, gather six coordinating 12x12 papers from your stash. Follow the trimming instructions on the printable document, then assemble the layout using the sketch above as your guide.

May Bonus Formula Layout

Typeset Bonus Page Formula

To recreate my layout, gather the following papers: Meadow Ivory (Paper A), Typeset Red (B), Navy (C), and Green (D). Two Typeset Card Prints create the base of the layout (Paper E).

Due to a typical case of "verticalitis", I chose to rotate the left page 90 degrees clockwise. This move creates mats with a vertical - rather than horizontal - orientation, while still achieving the balance Tricia created in the original page map. A bit of rearranging of the smaller elements, along with the addition of border strips from the Page Kit Cutaparts, and the result is a page worthy of school art show photos.

On the right, in order to include an extra photo, I trimmed Paper A a bit differently than instructed in step one. Instead of two mats, I cut the 3.75x12" into three mats - trimming at 10.5, 7 and 3.5".

Snippets trimmed from the 3x12 Sentiment Strip add a fun touch to select photos.

I'm quite happy with how well these pages turned out. What do you think?

Have you scrapped the May 2023 Bonus Formula yet? Inspire others by sharing your work on the Club Scrap Chat Facebook group. Hope to "see" you there!

Typeset Page Cutaparts

Typeset Page Cutaparts

$0.99 $3.30

Easy-to-use, non-bulky embellishments for your scrapbook pages, cards and other projects. Beautiful artwork and meaningful phrases are printed onto cover stock. Simply trim for a lovely assortment of decorative elements. Includes: (2) 12x12 Printed Cutapart Sheets: 1 each of 2… Read More

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