Stipple Mists - Explore fun techniques with Julie!

Stipple Mists - Explore fun techniques with Julie!

Julie Heyer Julie Heyer

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Create lots of stunning backgrounds with Club Scrap's brand new Stipple Mists! The pigments are fun to work with on an assortment of paper stocks and perform differently when used with and without water. When sprayed onto a dry surface, the pigment holds its shape, creating a stippled effect.

Stipple Mists Workshop 18 Retreat #clubscrap #cards #mists

Let's learn some fun techniques featuring these boldly pigmented sprays. Our Retreat attendees turned their spritzed mixed media pieces into a handy reference guide.

Stipple Mists Workshop

I had the privilege of teaching this workshop to our Retreat guests in October. At the end of one of my classes, Leslie G. showed me (what was in her eyes) an unsuccessful pair of art panels. I asked her if it would be okay if I rescued them from the circular file to turn these beauties into something awesome!

Embossed Resist

Emboss a panel with a texture folder. Rub white pigment ink onto the embossed image. Spritz the panel with water and mist with colors. Transform this panel into a lovely card with a border strip embellished with washi tape and a stamped sentiment from the Primrose collection.

Stipple Mists Workshop 18 Retreat #clubscrap #cards #embossresist #mists

Pulled String / Stamped Mists

Pool colors onto a craft mat. Dip baker's twine into color to saturate, leaving one 4" end free of color. Lay saturated twine in a random snake shape onto a tag. Cover with a second tag, and pull. Dip a stamp into the remaining mist colors on the craft mat and stamp onto a tag. Repeat until the tag is covered with images. I kicked Leslie's tag up a notch! Distress the edges, add paper flowers, a ribbon, and a bit of matted washi tape to bring the tag to life.

Stipple Mists Workshop 18 Retreat #clubscrap #tag #paperflowers #mists Stipple Mists Workshop 18 Retreat #clubscrap #tag #paperflowers #mists


Mist a panel with water. Spritz lightly with Lavender and Indigo in separate areas. Allow the panel to dry, Mist again with water. Spritz lightly with Opaque White.

Torn Paper 1

Tear scrap paper into three strips. Lay torn pieces onto a panel. Spritz with water. Remove the torn masks and spray with colors.

Torn Paper 2

Tear scrap papers into three strips. Lay torn pieces onto a panel. Spritz with water. Mist with desired colors and remove the masks.

Crumpled Tissue

Crumple a panel of tissue paper several times. Mist the panel with water and then with 2-3 mist colors of your choice. Press with crumpled tissue and remove later.

White Washed

Mist panel with water and spritz with Lavender. Spritz wet panel with Opaque White.

The panel on the left has been White Washed. The panel on the right is simply sprayed with water and Lavender Mist.

Ghosted Stencil

Place a stencil or mask (I chose Tapestry) onto a panel and mist with water. Remove the mask and spritz with Indigo and Leaf.


Spray panel with Burnt Umber and Slate mist until covered. Mist with Opaque White. (Lines can be added with a black fine-tipped pen.) Visit my personal blog for a detailed tutorial to create this card.

Be sure to visit the Pro Shop to stock up on each of the Stipple Mist sets!

Need a place to store all your mists? Check out the Bottle Boutique workshop kit.

Have a blast experimenting with different types of papers and combinations of spray colors. Happy Crafting!


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