Stencil Technique featuring brushes and a Linky Party!

Stencil Technique featuring brushes and a Linky Party!

Julie Heyer Julie Heyer

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Make flawless artwork with this stencil technique created with brushes and White pigment ink!

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

Is it possible to have too many stencil techniques up your sleeve? I had such a hard time choosing which one to feature today!

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

My friend Beth asked if I would share some of my brush stencil techniques. So I chose stencils from my massive stash. Then I headed to my makeup drawer. Yes, you heard me correctly! I selected a blush brush (never used for makeup application) and a large paint brush to repurpose in my crafting.

Stencil Technique with Brushes

Gather Red paper panels from the Surprise collection. Load White pigment ink onto a makeup brush.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks #stencilbrush

Apply the ink to the panels through the stencils in a circular motion with even pressure.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

I was able to achieve a very smooth and even application with this soft bristle brush. I was impressed with the coverage and with the absence of ink smears which often occur under the stencil.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

For deeper color coverage, simply apply more layers of ink.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

Gently dust the inked panels with Silver Pan Pastel or Pearl Powders with a dry paintbrush.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

Buff any excess powder with a dry cloth to reveal a brilliant silver sheen.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

Die cut (Sizzix Sizzlit) shapes from the stenciled panels.

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

These festive stenciled hearts can be added as the perfect embellishments on pages and cards!

Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks Stencil Technique with Brushes #clubscrap #stencil #masks

Now it's your turn! Try a stencil technique of your own, or give this one a try. Share your artwork via the Linky party below by February 28th for a chance to win a Club Scrap gift certificate! Be sure to visit the store for the Stencil Sale and add to your stash today.

Happy Crafting!

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