National Parks Remix Layouts - More California adventures.

National Parks Remix Layouts - More California adventures.

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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I've been on a scrapping roll! Since I'm all caught up on my monthly page kits through February, it was time to dive into some special releases. The National Parks Remix page kit was at the top of the pile, so after assembling the pages, it was time to find photos.

I'm still working on my 2019 California trip and it turns out the photos were perfect on this color palette and theme. (Visit Tricia's blog post to see the assembled pages minus the photos.)


LAYOUT 1 & 2

This layout will become the first two pages of our 2019 California Vacation album. It features photos from on the way to (and at) the airport at the start of our trip.

Layout 3 & 4

One of the stops on Max's wish list was the San Diego Zoo. Since the trip was to celebrate his high school graduation, naturally, we obliged.

Koala bears have been a favorite of mine since childhood. I couldn't resist snapping several dozen photos of these adorable creatures.

Layout 7 & 8

More koala bear photos. One even shares my oldest's name, Hunter.

Even though our visit did not include a national park, these six pages were perfect for our California trip.

What will you scrap on the National Parks Remix page kit? Inspire others by sharing your finished layouts on our Club Scrap Chat group on Facebook. 

Happy scrapping!

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