When London Calling was first released in February 2015, a trip to London was on my bucket list. I'm happy to say that item has recently been checked off! Sadly, I had already used most of the original collection for other projects. So I was elated when Club Scrap released the London Calling Remix collection.

Can you believe that it only took me two hours to complete eight layouts? That's from the time I opened the package, to completing the journaling. (If I hadn't been watching college football, I might have completed the project even faster!)

The Remix's new color combination works so well with my photos. I followed the layout instructions almost exactly. I only made a few minor changes and added stamping. (Stamped sentiments from London Calling 2015 collection.)

The London Eye photo covers most of the cutapart on Layout 8 below, so I relocated the woodcut crown to accent the journaling box on Layout 6 above.

Don't worry, you don't have to schedule a trip to London to make use of these pages. Check out Karen's personal blog post to see how she scrapped her London Calling Remix collection.