Thanks for joining me as I share pages featuring the Succulents collection.
I just love the artwork and color scheme this month. Even though I collect succulents (and therefore have plenty of photos of them), I found the colors went beautifully with so many other pics.
Succulents Lite
Layout 1-2
Last fall, the Mike-man and I went to Door County for the day to celebrate our anniversary. The photos from Cave Point Park were perfect on the Succulents Lite ALSB layouts.

Layout 5-6
In order to accommodate more vertical pics, I rotated the layout (and journaling Cutapart) on the right 90 degrees. (I bet you wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't mentioned it!)
I was also able to add an extra photo by using the small mat (now) at the top of the page.
Layout 7-8
We took quite a few "selfies" that day--I guess that's what you do when no one else is around to take pictures for you!

Layout 3-4
After scrapping the Door County trip, I was left with two more layouts. I chose to work with these pics of my mom, my daughter and me from a baby shower we attended. (These photos are extra-special because mom is kinda camera-shy.)
Again, I used a small mat as an opportunity to sneak in an extra photo.
Guess what? I'm two for two on my self-imposed monthly scrap challenge. Woot! And now it's YOUR turn to make something--ANYTHING--with your Succulents supplies.