Another kit scrapped! Would you like to see my Ivy League finished pages? I love the new Ivy League Page kit. Using it to scrap Emma's remaining grad photos was a no-brainer in my book. The sentiments and color palette are perfect!
Layout 1 & 2
I think my favorite print is that archway. I love it!
This really WAS a beautiful moment. So proud of this girl!
As a proud mom, we (of course) took way too many photos. Sneak in extras by using a cutapart as a photo mat, like I did below.
Annnnnd now that I look closely, I see it's crooked. Sigh.
Layout 3 & 4
I think the math sentiment is so funny, and true! I'm constantly saying, "Math is hard." However, my husband and children excel at it. Go figure.
The fleur de lis charms are quite dimensional, so I opted to use the mini tassels in their place. They're so darn cute!
Layout 5 & 6
What to do when you have a 5x7 photo from a professional photographer? Add a mat (trimmed from the HPOP) and center it over two horizontal mats.
Layout 7 & 8

I'm feeling quite accomplished now that Emma's graduation photos are all scrapped. What will you put on your Ivy League pages?
One more. What can I say? #proudmomma