Hello, Sunshine - April 2020 - It makes me happy!

Hello, Sunshine - April 2020 - It makes me happy!

Tricia Morris Tricia Morris

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The Hello, Sunshine collection will make you happy . . . when skies are gray. And indeed, the Wisconsin skies are typically quite gray this time of year. Increase your Vitamin D intake ASAP with this sunny color palette!

Hello Sunshine color palette by Club Scrap #clubscrap #pagekit #cardkit
A Note from Tricia

I can't express how grateful I am to be introducing this collection to you in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. It's been wonderful to work with this collection (even if it's all by myself at the office), and to enjoy COVID-19-free conversations with you on our Club Scrap Chat Group on Facebook. We are all well-aware of current events, so it's nice to have a place in which to retreat and simply share creativity with one another in our own little corner of the world.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your support and enthusiasm as we link arms and walk through this challenging time together. I know many of you have formed deep friendships through Club Scrap that will help you get to the other side of this mess. In the meantime, we'll press on.

And then, the expos. I meticulously made our team's travel arrangements for nearly all seventeen shows. And now I'm tasked with editing those plans. Other than the cancellation of last weekend's Columbus, OH, expo, we are still waiting for final decisions for all future shows. As soon as we get news, we'll update our schedule and share it with you. Thanks for your patience!

My travel binder of all flight, hotel, and car reservations for our 2020 Expo Tour.
What's Ahead?

More happiness is on deck for the May Fly a Kite collection! This theme had been selected late in 2019, not realizing how desperately we'd need this light, joyful kit in our lives. Haven't flown any kites lately? Neither have we. But we have tons of photos perfect for the layouts to come, given the summery, neutral color palette. Think "sky!"

Inks and Fonts

Prep for the arrival of your kit by grabbing the following Club Scrap ink pads: Tangerine, Yellow, India Black and White Pigment.

We're highlighting three fonts this month. The sweet, pencil-style is called Bolica, the script features Break Stones, and we used Reizo for the serif. We hope this information helps you create custom titles, subheadings, and journaling for your digital projects.

Hello, Sunshine Page Kit
Hello, Sunshine Page Kit by Club Scrap #clubscrap #pagekit #scrapbooking #efficientscrapbooking

Between the colors, goodies, stickers, cutaparts, and ribbons, you're going to assemble the pages with a smile plastered on your face the entire time. Enjoy this sneak peek at the video workshop!

Hello, Sunshine Card Kit
Hello, Sunshine Card Kit by Club Scrap #clubscrap #cardkit #cardmkaing #efficientcardmaking

I think I need to create several sets of these cards. My list of April birthday babies is lengthy! Check out the sixteen cards (with envelopes) and two folios you'll make by following my instructional video.


Look at these cute folios!

Hello, Sunshine Card Kit by Club Scrap #clubscrap #cardkit #cardmaking
Hello, Sunshine Stamps
Hello, Sunshine stamps by Club Scrap #clubscrap #stamping #cardmaking

Grab the stamp sheet of these positive messages and sweet images, and get ready to spread some joy with your handmade cards. I kept my cards simple and easy to replicate, because I plan to make a lot of them!

Thanks for joining me on this tour of the Hello, Sunshine collection. I sincerely hope it brightened your day. Visit us again tomorrow for more details about the page kit.

Shine on,


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