Get Scrapping With Celebrate Remix

Get Scrapping With Celebrate Remix

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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For those of you following my self-imposed challenge to complete pages for my scrapbook each month, I'm thrilled to announce I've finished my Celebrate Remix layouts!

It turns out the colors and sentiments in this collection are perfect with photos from our family vacation.

In June 2015, we spent three fun-filled days at the Universal Studios theme parks in Orlando, Florida. The trip was definitely a reason to celebrate!

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We stayed at a resort on property, giving us extra time at the parks. Our resort's ferry transported us to the parks each day--so much more relaxing than a bus ride!

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Back to the Future is one of my DH's favorite movies. We snapped some must-have photos by the famous DeLorean and Doc's train.

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Suess Landing offered plenty of photo opportunities as well.

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Everyone enjoyed exploring the "walk of fame" stars searching for famous names we recognized. We had such an amazing time on this trip, and now we have the layouts in the scrapbook to prove it. Now to find pages to scrap our 200+ photos from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We may (or may not) have spent 90% of our time there!

Until next time, happy crafting!

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