Once I saw the color scheme of the October page kit, I knew I had the perfect photos to go with the completed Expeditions layouts.
In June, our family went to southern California for my youngest son's graduation trip. We spent several days in San Diego and the rest of the week in the LA area, near where I grew up. It was fun to share my old haunts with my husband and kids.
The artwork and sentiments really were ideal for documenting our travels!

You really can't ever go wrong when a collection features blues and greens - those colors go with nearly everything!

I switched up the arrangement of the trimmed pieces on the right page to better suit my needs.

The envelopes are great for holding extra photos. This one holds three pics so similar I didn't necessarily want to put them on the page, but different enough I wanted them saved in the scrapbook.

It was fun to re-live these memories while they are still fresh in my mind - it makes journaling a lot easier.

I still have quite a few photos from this week-long trip to scrap. Now I just have to decide if I'll make a second set of Expeditions layouts, or if I'll do something different.

What will you put on your Expeditions pages? We'd love to see your work - share your finished cards, pages and other projects on our Club Scrap Chat Facebook group. Hope to see you there!
Happy scrapping!