Delft Deluxe--Finished Scrapbook Pages

Delft Deluxe--Finished Scrapbook Pages

Karen Wyngaard Karen Wyngaard

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For those of you following along with my self-imposed challenge, I have some bad news: I didn't complete my Delft Lite pages this month. However, I did manage to complete the layouts for the Deluxe kit. And I was able to finish three two-page spreads with photos and journaling!


Our local Culver's restaurant opened in August 2014. As a new employee, my son, Hunter, helped open the store.

The night before the grand opening, families of the new employees were invited for a complimentary meal so the staff could practice their newly-learned skills. Of course I had to take photos of this very special occasion!

Delft Deluxe Layout 9-10


The following April, the same Culver's had an Earth Day open house. Hunter volunteered to help with the free activity--helping children plant seeds in custard cups.

Delft Deluxe Layout 11-12


During Hunter's shift, my other two children and I stopped in to plant seeds (and enjoy a real custard treat). Here are the kids hamming it up with their freshly-planted seed cups.

Delft Deluxe Layout 13-14

Once I got these photos printed, I realized the blue and white of the Culver's uniforms and decor coordinated perfectly with the Delft collection. I just love when the perfect photos come along to make perfect pages, don't you? To see more examples of how I use color (not theme) to choose layouts, visit my personal blog.

Happy scrapping!

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