It's time to revisit another past CS® collection with our Creative License Remix! If you have a new driver in the household, plan to take a little road trip, or simply want to celebrate the journey of life, this collection is for you.
Members, this is a special release collection and will not ship automatically. If you'd like, you can choose "ship with my next kit" at checkout, and we'll be sure to include it in your next box.

Creative License Page Kit
Take the kit for a test drive with this preview video. I'll give you a tour of the ribbon, goodies, papers and layouts in just under 2.5 minutes.
And here's a closer look at each double page spread and some things to watch for during assembly.
Layouts 1 & 2
The goodies include four chrome flattened bottle caps and epoxy stickers. Plus, Jacqueline designed the corresponding artwork to fill each cap. I love this combo! (And "check" out that awesome ribbon and mini key charm.)
Layouts 3 & 4
Speaking of goodies, pair the cutapart sentiments with the silver metal label holders and brads for an eye-catching page accent.
Layouts 5 & 6
Keep things going in the right direction with our adorable mini wood cut arrows. (When adhering to the right side of the page, be sure to keep the portion of the arrow overlapping photo mats free of adhesive.)
Layouts 7 & 8
Accent the right edge of the spread with a three-part bow. Well, in this case, a four part bow. Just add a second loop of the black checked ribbon on top of the larger loop.
This kit made its original appearance as a monthly kit in May of 2016. Six years later, it continues to be a classic in my book.
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