In my member services role, I receive phone calls and emails regarding membership changes once the kit spoiler goes live. Folks may not realize it, but feedback about a particular theme can influence how I scrap. I try to address those challenges to demonstrate the kit's versatility. The August Beautiful Noise layouts are an excellent example. Below are a few things said about the August collection.
I'll blog about my Bonus Page Formula layout next week, however, this layout addresses the "too feminine" issue. These pages feature photos of my oldest son, Hunter, with our two cats, Optimus and Boots. (All males, by the way.)

This two-page spread was perfect for scrapping photos of my friend Oliver and his twin sisters on Easter morning. The Beautiful Noise collection is perfect for scrapping your kids' piano recitals, ballet lessons, and jazz/tap performances, too!

I scrapped four pages with memories from a past Sacramento Scrapbook Expo. Tricia and I spent some free time with two good friends exploring Old Sacramento. The photos have nothing to do with music, but the Beautiful Noise palette complements the colors in the photos perfectly.

Finally, I've been waiting for the perfect pages to scrap these photos of my sweet in-laws from their 60th wedding anniversary. The colors are a lovely match, and the sentiments could not be more appropriate for this very special occasion!

Music is limitless. It is made up of dozens of genres, including Classical, Rock, Country, etc., so why should a theme limit your creativity? Allow yourself to "think outside the box" and you'll be filling up those scrapbooks in no time!
Happy scrapping!